Following a notification of leaf powder of Moringa stenopetala as a traditional food from a third country pursuant to Article 14 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 (Novel Food Regulation), EFSA was asked by the European Commission whether there are safety objections to the notification. EFSA found, due to the lack of information regarding the quality and quantity of undesirable substances potentially present in the traditional food, that it cannot conclude whether or not the food may pose a risk for human consumption. Thus, EFSA raises safety objections to the placing on the market within the EU of leaf powder of Moringa stenopetala as a traditional food.
Similarly, and following a notification for powder of juice concentrate of Aristotelia chilensis as a traditional food from a third country, also pursuant to the Novel Food Regulation, EFSA pointed out the absence of quantitative information on the presence of alkaloids in the food, which might lead to exposure levels of concern for human health, should the presence of such alkaloids be confirmed. This again resulted in safety objections raised by EFSA to the placing on the EU markets of either powder or juice concentrate of berries of Aristotelia chilensis as a traditional food.