On 21 October 2022, the European Commission published Regulation (EU)...

CJEU judgement: The end for several FSMPs?
At the end of October, an eagerly awaited ruling (C-418/21) by the European...
The pioneers of alternative food met in Berlin
From October 29 to 30, 2022, ProVeg e.V., an international nutrition...
Ginkgo biloba extract classified as drug
Products containing monograph-compliant Ginkgo biloba dry extract...
German Bundesrat: urgent need in the implementation of the MDR
In its recently published 10-point resolution, the German Bundesrat states...
EFSA calls for data
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) regularly asks for help with the...
Iron milk proteinate as a new iron source in the EU
EFSA gave the green light to iron milk proteinate as a novel food (NF) and...
The crux of botanicals – be aware of the novel food issue
The term “botanical” stands for dried plants and plant extracts, but also for...
The lack of Notified Bodies might endanger the availability of medical devices
It is no longer a secret that the new EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR)...