Commission Regulation (EU) 2022/1393 "amending Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 as...

Clean labelling with ‘natural’ might be misleading
In addition to authorised claims, which are regulated by the Health Claim...
Highest number of notifications in the RASFF in 2021
The annual report of the Alert and Cooperation Network (ACN), consisting of...
Curcumin supplements under increased scrutiny
In June 2022, the French Agency for Food, Environment and Occupational Safety...
Dandelion root as traditional herbal medicine
The assessment of the herbal medicinal product Taraxaci officinalis radix has...
Revision of the German Regulation on Dietary Foods
The existing Regulation on Dietary Foods has been awaiting a revision for...
Outcome of a consumer survey on food supplements
The variety and range of food supplements is huge, but how do Europeans in...
BfR-BVL Joint Meeting: “Super(?)foods and Supplements – Risky or Healthy?”
From 30th June to 1st July, a&r attended the...
DietEx: A new tool to calculate the anticipated intake for novel food ingredients
The anticipated intake is a pivotal aspect in the safety assessment of novel...