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The latest news from a&r
Meet us at VLB Symposium in Berlin
Next week, a&r will participate in the 3rd VLB Symposium on Acidic...
Meet us at Vitafoods
It's that time again! Vitafoods is taking place in Geneva from 10 to 12 May...
a&r publishes a successful clinical trial on Acacia gum
Acacia gum, also called gum arabic, is a dietary fiber, i.e. a substance...
Useful advice on food allergen management
In last few years, food allergies have become a major health problem affecting...
Scientific advice on nutrition profiling
After numerous comments were gathered during the public consultation last...
The Green Transition in terms of sustainable claims
The Green Deal was launched by the European Commission in December 2019 with...
Vitamins do not necessarily have to be declared with their specific name
A case concerning the labelling of vitamins ended up before the Court of...
2-Methyloxolane as promising alternative for hexane
The new extraction solvent 2-methyloxolane received a positive opinion...
Cranberry helps against recurrent cystitis
Cranberries - better than antibiotics? Women in particular are repeatedly...
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